Jump Start Your Health & Wellness Retreat Inquiry
An All-Encompassing Restorative Retreat Tailor-Made For You
the biostation, a leader in anti-aging and functional medicine, offers an all-encompassing preventative health center and exclusive retreat program. Led by the biostation’s medical director, Dr. Martin G. Bloom, MD, Carillon offers a selection of comprehensive services along with a dedicated retreat program that offers guests a rejuvenating getaway. the biostation cares for your body and mind from the inside out. Restorative treatments start with in-depth diagnostic testing for holistic wellness that improves energy, restores hormone balance, and provides effective and long-lasting anti-aging benefits.
Thank You
Thank you for your inquiry to experience this health retreat!
A biostation Patient Advocate will be in touch within 48 hours to begin your retreat journey and answer any questions.