Feb 11
Feb 13
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5th Night Free: Reserve the accommodations of your choice for four nights, and stay an extra night on us + breakfast. To stay a little longer and save, click here.

5th Night Free: Reserve the accommodations of your choice for four nights, and stay an extra night on us + breakfast. To stay a little longer and save, click here.

5th Night Free: Reserve the accommodations of your choice for four nights, and stay an extra night on us + breakfast. To stay a little longer and save, click here.

5th Night Free: Reserve the accommodations of your choice for four nights, and stay an extra night on us + breakfast. To stay a little longer and save, click here.

a man faces away from the camera so only his profile shows. He is wearing a gray long sleeved shirt, baseball cap and sunglasses. He is holding a large fishing rod pointed towards the ocean
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Pesca de altura

Disfrute de la pesca de altura

Desde el preciado marlín hasta el enorme pez vela, las aguas del Atlántico frente a Miami son el hogar de un gran número de especies, la mayoría de las cuales se pueden encontrar durante todo el año

a man faces away from the camera so only his profile shows. He is wearing a gray long sleeved shirt, baseball cap and sunglasses. He is holding a large fishing rod pointed towards the ocean
a swordfish flies through the air. The water is white where the fish jumped out of the water. The surrounding water is a dark blue textured by waves. The sky is pale blue with a few clouds

Desde su base en Haulover Marina, a tan solo cuatro millas al norte de Carillon, la flota de Therapy IV se compone de dos barcos de pesca deportiva de 58 pies. Los barcos de pesca de altura están totalmente equipados con una gran torre desde la que avistar los atunes, balancines para separar los cebos, un puente volante con silla de capitán y dos sillas de combate.

Precio: Depende de la temporada, barco y duración.
Hable con nuestro concierge al (866) 800-3858 para obtener más información.

Todas las temporadas

Experiencias para todos

Parejas sanas y activas, amigos y familias pueden disfrutar de numerosas y emocionantes experiencias, desde pesca de altura a millas de la costa hasta aventuras en kayak a través de frondosos manglares.

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